Elder Helpers: volunteer companions and caregivers are ready to help.


5 - based on 2 reviews
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5.00/5.00 Published: 2013-01-10 01:58

Highly organized process all small detailed for the entire event is well planned. This was my second Thanksgiving volunteering with Elder Helpers . They offer programs and events for the entire year - so if you're looking to do something memorable, this is a great way to help the organization. The elders we visit are always more than appreciative to have us , and I always take something away from the experience (I don't mean that literally).

5.00/5.00 Published: 2013-01-04 03:38

Elder Helpers is an amazing organization! I have been a volunteer for almost 4 1/2 years (6 months as an intern and coming up on 4 years as a peer support volunteer). It is an incredibly rewarding and life-changing experience. I have volunteered for a lot of different organizations that have been both positive and negative experiences, but I feel Elder Helpers is on a completely different level with the amount of selflessness and care exhibited by the staff, volunteers and clients.If you want

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Elder Helpers: volunteer companions and caregivers are ready to help.


Our organization is proud to count thousands of volunteers throughout the world. They are all wonderful people giving away some of their free time for the simple satisfaction of providing assistance and companionship to an elder and relief to those who have become overwhelmed with providing the main care for their aging loved ones