
4.4 - based on 378 reviews
Product Quality
Branding Awareness
User Support
Website Looks
4.00/5.00 Published: 2019-07-12 05:21

Best place to buy any product with best quality. Best customer support.

5.00/5.00 Published: 2019-07-12 04:58

best Shopping Sites, Easy Shopping process, Secure & reliable

4.80/5.00 Published: 2019-06-05 04:17

Best Platform for buyers and sellers ever. They provide best shipping services.

5.00/5.00 Published: 2019-06-04 12:09

Best brand for online shopping because it's support and service is excellent for all customer.

5.00/5.00 Published: 2018-11-09 10:40

Hello Friends, My favorate shopping site. Amazon is a best shopping site in the world..

5.00/5.00 Published: 2018-11-08 14:37

I'm a frequent Amazon buyer, because here I can find the exact item I need, with the good price, clear and instant payment, fast delivery and return policy - in case if I need it.

5.00/5.00 Published: 2018-11-08 04:53

When you are searching for the e-commerce website then you aspect the good and easy navigation along with user-friendly design and then think about the product quality. So the basic motive about this is to tell about the "How the Amazon website is good" and I submitted what I think about the AMAZON.

4.00/5.00 Published: 2018-11-05 13:07

When you are searching for the e-commerce website then you aspect the good and easy navigation along with user-friendly design and then think about the product quality. So the basic motive about this is to tell about the "How the Amazon website is good" and I submitted what I think about the AMAZON.

4.20/5.00 Published: 2018-11-05 09:01

It's easy to sell online with Amazon. Put your products in front of hundreds of millions of Amazon customers and increase your visibility.

3.20/5.00 Published: 2018-11-05 08:37

Product is good but the delivery taken time is not that good.

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