(Rating: 1 / 5.0, 1 reviews)

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  • Trustworthiness: Bad
  • Product Quality: Bad
  • Promotional Materials: Bad
  • Website Looks: Bad
  • Affiliate/Member Support: Bad

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Reviews for (1)

Reviewed by Eduardo A. Eduardo A. sucks, employees and clients in each and every manner. Employee retention rate is almost zero. Withing a year except one or two employees. all employees changes jobs because of the worst environment of the company. They cut the salary of each employees for each month by marking false SLA for work. The most most disgusting fact is all salary cut is directly done by CEO MR. Navneet Kaushal who is so cheap and mentally sick person who even cut salary of sweeper. h
Eduardo A. likes:
May 9th 2019 06:38, 0 agrees, 0 disagrees  (I agree, I disgree)

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