(Rating: 1.4 / 5.0, 1 reviews)

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  • Trustworthiness: Bad
  • Product Quality: Bad
  • Promotional Materials: Below Average
  • Website Looks: Below Average
  • Affiliate/Member Support: Bad

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Reviews for (1)

Reviewed by marie johnson marie johnson   
It wasn't an issue with my order, like the lady from petsuppliesdelivered said. She told me that the Rx order was wrong. When I tried to explain the prescriptions to her, she told me not to argue with her! She gave me the option to either fill only 1 Rx, or I can cancel my order. I told her my dogs need their entire prescriptions, not just 1, so I'd have to cancel. She said "Sure, ill be happy to cancel your order!" I'm not the only 1 who had a problem..I wish I would have researched first
marie johnson likes:
May 31st 2012 23:14, 0 agrees, 0 disagrees  (I agree, I disgree)

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