
4.6 - based on 1 reviews
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4.60/5.00 Published: 2015-09-04 16:05

Come inside you sign the charge, then the e-mail address and password that you activate the application / phone. Every call you make an advertisement, you do not need to open it, but it is mandatory to answer the phone by pressing / "Skype" Simple, efficient and profitable. 100% free, it does not cost any money, not buy and not sell anything. Basically, with 1-2H / day Internet activities on your smartphone and you can get in a few weeks (or months) 500-1000 Euros / month and more. The application was first launched in Beta Testing, the first weekend of June 2015 and virtually real activity has started in early July 2015 and are now already over 10,000 members, of which almost 30% are from about 150 countries . I'm waiting with questions and to help you download your application / tel.

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