hdaa.com  (Rating: 1.6 / 5.0, 1 reviews)

Summary for hdaa.com

  • Trustworthiness: Bad
  • Product Quality: Bad
  • Promotional Materials: Bad
  • Website Looks: Above Average
  • Affiliate/Member Support: Below Average

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Reviews for hdaa.com (1)

Reviewed by Neil Foster Neil Foster   
This is just a new version of US Concealed Carry Association. I signed up for USCCA until the owner, Tim Schmidt started spamming me with as many as 8 messages per day... Many were "last chance" or other hype to push their insurance policies for gun owners. I am sure that this new organization will be the same. I try to support pro-gun organizations, but if you have to spam me 8 times per day to buy your product, there must be something wrong with your product. A scammer is a scammer.
Neil Foster likes:
May 15th 2012 14:50, 0 agrees, 0 disagrees  (I agree, I disgree)

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