(Rating: 1.4 / 5.0, 1 reviews)

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  • Trustworthiness: Below Average
  • Product Quality: Bad
  • Promotional Materials: Bad
  • Website Looks: Below Average
  • Affiliate/Member Support: Bad

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Reviews for (1)

Reviewed by Andrea Murchison Andrea Murchison   
Noise and damage to floors is a problem in classrooms.Teachers are always looking for a solution to this problem. I was asked by my school to see if I could find a product that would stand up to everyday use. The adhesive is so weak that after a few hours, they all came off. I contacted the company for a refund - they said they would not issue a refund because the purchase was not made by a school- and was told that in a very rude email. Based on customer service I would not buy from them.
Andrea Murchison likes:
Apr 2nd 2013 22:56, 0 agrees, 0 disagrees  (I agree, I disgree)

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