(Rating: 1 / 5.0, 1 reviews)

Summary for

  • Trustworthiness: Bad
  • Product Quality: Bad
  • Promotional Materials: Bad
  • Website Looks: Bad
  • Affiliate/Member Support: Bad

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Reviews for (1)

Reviewed by Steve S Steve S   
Bridesofukraine is nothing but a BIG SCAM I paid over $500 for a platinum membership and received 100's of letters from ladies , I was very disappointed when I found out that the letters were written by the agency because at meeting the ladies did not know anything about me after months of letters being exchanged, also when I had meeting with the ladies I wrote to they would take me to very expensive restaurants and order large meals along with there interpreters! after the meeting the ladies all asked for about 25.00 dollars for taxi's and said they wanted to meet again and when I called there interpreters to organize another meeting the ladies would be suddenly sick or there was a sudden death in the family. I found out from a local I meet that all the ladies on bridesofukraine have deals with restaurants and get a 50 % kick back for bringing the guys there as the restaurant doubles the bills and they never take taxi's and the taxi money is a big scam. I also found out that they split the money with interrupters, So this agency runs nothing but a giant scam. Beware and do not use all these ladies are on this site as they make money and that is it ,
Steve S likes:
Jun 13th 2015 03:07, 0 agrees, 0 disagrees  (I agree, I disgree)

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